Homecoming Weekend

by Chloe Kilpatrick

Before leaving to study abroad, I was worried that I would be missing out on things at Maryville. The thing that concerned me the most – Homecoming. Homecoming is such a fun thing to experience at MC. The game, the fall colors, the parade, the dance. All things that I love. But this year, my senior year, I wouldn’t have the chance to experience some of my favorite Maryville things with my fellow MC students. I would be across the ocean in a place I knew very little about and a place that definitely would not have a homecoming. I knew the positives would outweigh the negatives, but until I was experiencing that, I didn't really believe it. I forgot about my worries upon arrival but this weekend, MC homecoming, I remembered how much I was worried about missing out and I can say without a doubt that what I have gained from this experience is absolutely worth every single thing I missed at MC this semester. It is hard being away from my friends at MC but I have made lifelong friends from all across the world, literally. From Boston, Canada, Germany, France even to Australia. People I would have never met if I had let my fear of missing out cloud my judgment about studying abroad. Of course, I sent an extra piece of my heart Home to Howie this weekend, but for this semester that is enough. I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything in the world, even the chance to be home at Howie.