Ok, so I believe I have finished with all of the pre- departure stuff I needed to do. The journey to fill in all of the required paperwork tostudy abroad began in early October, 2008. Yes… That is right, about a year and a half from my expected departure date. Since then I have applied for the program which required about a month of preparation. I had to find a school that offered a course in basic physics and spoke English that was close to the United Kingdom. Seems simple right? WRONG! I was frustrated by the limited information on websites, and finally found Queens University Belfast (QUB), after a long search looking at many confusing school home pages...
Joey Courtney is an American MC student who is studying abroad at Queen's University Belfast in Northern Ireland this spring semester. We will be posting excerpts from his blog here. A little bit about him from his YouTube profile: "I enjoy volunteering, making vlogs, hanging out with friends, reading, and going camping. I am also a Member of a collab channel called axisofaccents. My life motto. 'I do what I want! I'm out of control!'" Joey also has a video blog on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrJoebaggins