"Una rosa es hermosa, no importa donde se goza"♪♪

Arianna Hakiman
International Studies Major
Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hello all!
I’ve been a bit of a slacker. I apologize. Life here is going pretty swimmingly. This is the third week of classes, and they’re all turning out to be quite interesting. I switched out of Human Development and Education because it turned out to not have anything to do with education’s role in social development (my perception) but instead to be a Child Development class for Special Education teacher. Quite different. So, not I’m in a Spanish Literature class from the Siglo de Oro. The professor is quite funny. Ex. On his briefcase, he has a sticker that says “Poet on Board” instead of “baby on board” hahaha. Good one, profe. Unfortunately, I have to read all of Don Quixote. In Spanish. It’s….quite lengthy. All in all, I think I’ll have to work at my classes a bit because there are a lot of project and papers and readings, but it seems like it’ll be worth it in the end.

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