Where will you go next January? You could spend 3 weeks studying statistics or history, or you could spend next J-term paddling the coast of Costa Rica, engaging in service activities in West Africa, or competing in a race around the world!
Ghana, Costa Rica, and The Amazing Race are J-Term 2011's travel study programs. These programs offer alternate study environments, international experiences, and exposure to diverse cultures, and they count towards your degree. The programs have experiential learning as the focus and are typically three-weeks in length. Programs and destinations vary from year to year and there are options to suit most degrees. Past areas of trips have included, among others: China, Brazil, Cuba, Ghana, Vietnam, India, Malta, Southern Africa, France and Turkey.
- Explore a new culture
- Fulfill the experiential component of the Maryville curriculum
- Two faculty members accompany a group of Maryville students
- Frequent discussions, readings, and journaling
- 3 academic credits
Programs are open to Maryville College sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Application forms along with $100 deposit and scholarship applications (optional) due April 6 to Kirsten Sheppard, International House. Forms can be downloaded here.
For more information, check the MC website's J-term study abroad page here.
Ghana- Travel Study and Service in West Africa
The purpose of this course is for students to experience the history, culture and present society of West Africa through study and service. The trip to West Africa will require careful preparation, active fund-raising efforts, cultural and religious sensitivity, extensive walking, patient living without air conditioning or familiar foods, scrupulous health habits, and self-confident poise, courage and creativity in the face of complexity, change, ambiguity and adversity. MC Website details
Costa Rica- The Blue Zones: Paddling and Surfing Along the Pacific Coast
Personal and environmental wellness and awareness are the two main goals for this experiential course. Students are expected to gain skills in developing awareness towards health and wellness issues. They will also get the unique opportunity to witness and take part in sustainability and environmental efforts. Costa Rica has protected more land than any other country, and is close to energy independence and a leader in eco-tourism. Being in this environment (vs. looking at this environment) is the best way to experience and understand these effort. MC Website details
The Amazing Race- Travel and Tourism
Students will spend the first two weeks of class learning travel skills necessary for international travel, and gaining an understanding of the tourism industry. Students will create sample overseas trips, and gain an understanding of the resources needed to effectively plan and implement travels. The final week will put students into an “Amazing Race” scenario abroad, where they will compete in teams in a race around the world. The location which will not be disclosed to students until departure. There they will have to implement the travel skills learned during the first two weeks and explore different aspects of the local culture. MC Website details
Watch The Amazing Race promo video on YouTube here