January Abroad!

Today is the day that you should apply to study abroad. January is a great time to be abroad...it's cold in Maryville, you don't have to juggle multiple classes, you get to have fun and an experience of a lifetime. On January-term programs you travel both with friends you have already made and you make new friends for a lifetime. You see new things and famous places. You get exposed to a different way of seeing and doing things.

This year you have 3 great options:

Ghana - travel with a Sociologist and a Historian and see what life is really like in Ghana. When are you going to go to Africa on your own? This program blends learning about local culture and flavors with providing service to the places you visit!

Costa Rica - explore the Blue Zone (one of the best quality of life locations in the world) with two educators of different backgrounds. Mountain Challenge never leads you astray, and this program will take you to the seas for an incredible physical experience.

Amazing Race - it takes a spirit of adventure to choose a program where you don't know where you will go. In the spirit of the show, here are some clues: you will visit more than one country, at least one of which is a popular study abroad destination, and you won't need to get a visa in advance! Travel with the Center for International Education and learn how to do it yourself next time!

Applications: http://tiny.cc/jterm
Scholarships: http://tiny.cc/schol
General Information: http://www.maryvillecollege.edu/academics/studyabroad/j-term.asp

Applications and Scholarship Forms due today at International House (next to Sutton).