There are quite a lot of sports teams here in Oulu; FC Oulu and Oulun Karpat for example. I have forgeten to mention FC Oulu which is soccer team here in Oulu that plays in the fall in earlier post, but will fine in this post. Moreover, these teams are professional... But Finland not noted for their soccer, however; their hockey is one of the best in the world (national team). It was my first time going to profeesional soccer game and hockey game. It was different than what I expected... Because what you see on TV of the European teams going crazy over there soccer team was not happening in Finland or a least Oulu. I found myself and my friends being the loudest and we are not even from Finland or Oulu. On the other hand, when going to a Hockey game haha there where students everywhere people shouting and everything, this is what I had imaged.

Oulu was playing Helsinki the capital of Finland and Oulu destroyed Helsinki,7 to 2 Oulu winning, it w
as quite nice to see this happen

FC Oulu was not as amazing to watch I still enjoyed it though. The team was playing in the beginning of winter it was freezing... I was not use to this kind of weather and I have never be so cold in my life, however Oulu lost this game.

Oulu was playing Helsinki the capital of Finland and Oulu destroyed Helsinki,7 to 2 Oulu winning, it w
FC Oulu was not as amazing to watch I still enjoyed it though. The team was playing in the beginning of winter it was freezing... I was not use to this kind of weather and I have never be so cold in my life, however Oulu lost this game.