International Student of the Week - Isaac Mbimi from Cameroon

My name is Isaac Mbimi I am a sophomore Engineering major at Maryville College. I am originally from Yaoundé Cameroon Africa. I started with English as a Second Language (E.S.L.) classes. I chose Maryville College because I wanted to study in the United States and Maryville College seemed to match my personality the best. It also had a strong engineering and mathematics department which was essential to my academic needs. My favorite thing about Maryville College is how nice the people are. I enjoy being involved in campus organizations such as Global Citizens Organization (G.C.O.), Black Student Association (B.S.A.), and the Scots Basketball team. The lifestyle is very different from back home especially the food, and the weather. I have found comfort and family in the Maryville Scots Basketball team. I spend most of my non-academic time sharing my culture with my teammates and they share their American culture with me. I have enjoyed my time so far and can’t wait for the many more adventures that lie ahead at Maryville College.