6:54 AM
(8:54 PM EST,
Right at midnight in a Salsa dance club in Bishkek, the
DJ played Happy Birthday “ezpecially for Ztacey” and everybody stopped dancing to
sing along in somewhat-English. I’m not joking. I never imagined that would be
how I would welcome my 19th birthday, but hopefully it means that
the next year will be as pleasantly insane as it began!
Yesterday (before midnight) was a busy day of planning
for the camp and dealing with grant-related business. Apparently Kyrgyzstan has
a comlicated tax system... On a brighter note,Aidai and I met two new
volunteers for the first time, Eva from China and Shoko from Japan, and we are very excited to get the program
started… as long as we can finish all of our planning on time!
While out in Bishkek, I ate “Kyrgyz fast food”, which
was from a cute stall that served beef or chicken hamburgers and french fries.
Next door to the burger place was a KFC -- KYRGYSTAN FLAVORED CHICKEN, that is.
Is anybody else as thrilled about that as I am? I thought it was brilliant.
While looking at a deli-display case of dried fruits
and nuts, a guy overheard Aidai & I speaking English and asked me where I
was from. Long story short, the guy grew up in Atlanta and attended the
University of Tennessee Knoxville (which is 20 minutes away from my home)! We
helped him find peanut butter (“so American”) and were in disbelief of how tiny
the world is.