Good evening all, I know it's been awhile but it really doesnt feel like it. I do have to say that with classes and trying to be a little social its crazy; why do I say this? For starters I have to keep in the back of my mind that what I do here can somewhat affect what happens when I get back home. Hahah almost like a child, being cautious in case mom or dad finds out what I've done--nothing bad of course;-) Classes are going well, all of them are in English with Korean professors who are not as tough as what I expected them to be. Yet let me not say that to loud, don't want them to think anything differently. South Korea especially the capital, in a way reminds me of the big cities of the US; traffic, bars, clubs, lots of people and not enough trees or stars in the sky because of pollution. Most of the times I think that I am back home and have just gone to New York for a visit, the only thing really different is that here the majority is Korean. I don't speak the language except for the baby words like thank you, goodbye, hello; and the Korean people are shy around foreigners unless you approach them in which case they might forget what English they learnt. My classes are really interesting, since what I learn in one class seems to be what we are starting to learn in my other class. What I really like about these classes is the way they are getting me to think in the way of my major.

Nothing new has really happened to me much while I have been here besides eating new food, meeting people from different states and sometimes different countries, and joing a club that is trying to help children of multicultural families. All in all, I'm enjoying myself.
Until next time bye bye