"Maybe you have seen me in Pearsons, eating with my roommates, I’m the Spanish guy, the Mexican guy if you want (this joke is getting old) maybe you haven’t heard about me, maybe you have seen me running at midnight, yeah, I’m that guy... maybe you thought I’m just another creepy international student... maybe you didn’t even know that I’m an international student, maybe you have seen me in the gym, or playing basketball in the parking lot, or maybe over another plate full of Pearson's chicken pot pie, mashed potatoes and fried okra (welcome to the south). Maybe you have talked with me and noticed my weird accent... maybe it doesn't sound like the other Spanish guys you know, maybe you have never met a Spanish guy before, maybe you think we don’t have anything in common, but... maybe you just have heard something I said and just laughed with my broken English, but now, you know that I exist... and, if we are lucky, we can even be friends.
Maybe you have seen this huge guy wearing MC sweatpants, Nikes and a hoody... maybe you have seen him with his headphones, listening the most random music, or maybe the only thing you know about him is that he made the George's portrait in Pearsons... but this guy is me. I wont be here next year, I haven’t been here for so long, but I’m proud of been here, I don’t know if you know me, but, if you read this, or if you see me running in the dark, or working in the lab in Sutton, you will know that I’m part of this place, a really small part of this big family that I found in the Maryville college. "