This trip has been nothing but eventful. I mean why would anything go smoothly when leaving the country anyways?
Heres a summary of my 24 hours of travel (it seems more like a series of unfortunate events)
- For once in my life I was actually early, and even early to the airport!! but of course the airline was on Monica time and our 9pm flight was delayed until 3am
- For the most part the 8 hour flight was okay. I sat in between 2 old men, and one stole my blanket while i was sleeping. We arrived in Santiago Chile around 1pm. When we got to chile, we attempted to go to immigration (aka enter the country when we didn't need to.) My lady instructed me just go to the connecting flight area to wait at our gate... but Paula was stamped into the country. So, when i found her we had to convince the immigration officer that we were just passing through waiting to go to Buenos Aires and he literally crossed out her stamped and wrote "NO" on it.
- I got some Starbucks in the Santiago airport and we boarded shortly after (S/o to Sierra i got a caramel Machiatto). I guess with all the inconvenience of travel the airline upgraded us to 1st class. we were living large. Paula got Champagne #cla$$y.
- Our flight to Santiago was only 2 hours but it was literally perfect. It felt like we were in cocoons!
- Once we arrived in Buenos Aires at EZE (international airport) we had to get our luggage ASAP and then rush to the LAN counter to collect our taxi voucher.
Next up was our 45 min drive to AEP (domestic airport)
- We made it to the airport, checked our baggage and had 20 min to spare before boarding!
- Our host mother greeted us at the airport and took us to our new home and gave us dinner. by this time it was 11pm... it was a long journey (in jeans i may add.)
Here is where we live! I live with 2 other girls, Paula from St. Louis and Alison from California. Our host mother Myriam also rents 2 rooms to 2 other women. one speaks english and the other is extremely nice and helpful. Myriam is awesome and the sweetest, she runs an art gallery on the 2nd floor and teaches lessons throughout the week. we live on the 3rd floor so my calves will get the workout.
- my bed!! thank the lord baby jesus it isn't a twin size!!
- the Next is a little table i have to eat breakfast and drink coffee
- he 3rd picture is the view when i open my door to the hallway
- i guess you could call that my closet? i kinda just unpacked everything and we'll see how it works.
Today we had to go to the university fo orientation at 9:30 Arg time,which is 7:30 US time. I was exhausted and even the coffee/ espresso break didn't help. the school is like a 10 min walk from our home so its perfect! Later on we are going to adventure out and make copies for school, get some pesos and buy phones hopefully! Tomorrow we have orientation again, and we will begin picking classes. What is school? I havent been in class since J-Term.