Ahoj! Pronounced 'ahoy', informally meaning hello. Possibly the coolest part about the Czech language.
My brother-in-law Phil, my sister
Rachel, and Me |
This summer I will be interning and studying abroad in the Czech Republic, specifically Prague. I'll be taking the course "Games People Play in Business" at the Anglo American University (this class starts around the middle of June when non-intern students arrive) while also interning at the Prague Shakespeare Company as a Production Assistant. I have a house right outside the city I'm sharing with four other girls (We all have our own rooms thankfully). I've had to repeat those words so many times to so many people, it doesn't feel real. But I'll be in Prague in less than twenty-four hours.
Brighton Pier on the beach in Brighton, England |
My journey began ten days ago when I first left America. Since then I have been in London, England, visiting my sister that lives here for Grad school. Its been a week of sibling rivalry, lots of shows (including my favorite show of all time, War Horse), and weird reality television (I didn't know it was possible for reality tv to get weirder than the American show "Little Women: LA", but England did it). So far, I've loved it. London is spectacular, as is the rest of England. We took a trip to Brighton for a theatre festival and to see the beach. I even got to go to an Amusement park on a pier (Just like in The Five People You Meet in Heaven)! Mostly, though, I've just loved starting a new journey. Before I left America, life seemed to reach a new low.
Got lost finding this fellow |
From losing my relationship to losing a fellow Maryville College student, I faced a lot of grief. There was no time to grieve, however, with my bank, passport and medical insurance doing everything in their power to keep me from going abroad. But after the worst week of my life, I made it here. After getting violently ill on a plane, I still made it across an ocean and got here.
Real Banksy around the corner from
my sister's flat |
Since then, life has not only been looking up, it's been brand new. Everything has been a new start for me exactly when I needed it. These last ten days have helped me move in a new direction. But as great as London has been, I'm very much ready to get off my sister's blow up mattress and be in my own space. I'm especially ready to go somewhere that my money is worth something (I don't know how anyone affords to live in London).
I'm ready to fall in love with the city of Prague! Goodbye England, hello Czech Republic!