November 28th
We planned to go to Sky Tree for maybe an hour or two, just to look around and go to the top. My neighbors and I planned to go but Emma was going to meet Sulecca and me there. However, Sulecca and I always get lost.... so we invited natives to help us. Though only one could go, Masaki met us at the international house and guided Sulecca and me to Sky Tree!
When we got there at 1;30 we went to get the tickets, but the only available time was at 6:30. So we were going to have to wait FOREVER!!!! We decided to get lunch since no one had ate. While we were eating Emma messaged Sulecca announcing that her and her two friends had arrived. So they met us at the food court and we all ate and chilled. After we were done eating we walked around, window shopped, and took purikura. Then Masaki had to go to his part time so we said goodbye. The five of us continued to walk around until it was time for us to go to the top. When the time came Emma and Long-Shang said they weren't going to the top, instead they were going to leave. Only Sulecca, Haruka, and I went to the top and it was incredible!!!! We stayed up there for 2 and half hours!!!!