Life at Maryville College

One of my favorite memories is Maryville College is Intramural games. It’s the best place to show off sportsmanship and sportswoman-ship. You could team up with your friends or join as a free agent, which is a good way to meet some new friends. They host a variety of sports--soccer, indoor and sand volleyball, dodgeball, basketball and softball... Soccer is by far one of my most favorite games because I played growing up in Jamaica. Volleyball is another favorite game, too, but it’s not as popular as soccer back home. Through wins and losses, you strengthen relationships with friends.
A picture with my sand volley ball team: Dinner is Served
One of the best pieces of advice I can give to future Maryville College International students is to make friends! Leaving home might be difficult and being in a different environment and culture, socialization is the best method to get acclimated to the culture in the US.  I have met a lot of friends from other countries that said if I ever visit their home country, I can come and visit them!
Friends at the Spring Fling

I met Corvonn during my freshman year at Maryville College. He later transferred (during my second semester), but it is almost as if we have known each other for a lifetime. I have always spent Christmas with him and his family, and they have become my second family here in the United States.

Studying here in the USA at Maryville College has served to widen my career and open up many and varied opportunities for educational advancements. In Jamaica, I would be somewhat limited in the choices of what and where to study. Maryville College has opened my eyes to even bigger and better career opportunities. I have more fields to choose from, and the career center has opened up links for gaining knowledge in a hands-on approach.

Four places that you should visit coming to Maryville college:

The MC tower - This is a great place to climb.

Lookout at the foothills parkway -
Its a great place that overlooks Maryville.

Nashville - Its such a huge city around 3 hours away from Maryville.

The MC woods - It is interesting to see what wild life you can find.