Picture by National Geographic
Hello CIE blog readers-
We are trying to get this information out in every way that we can think of:
MC Eclipse Viewing Event
Football Field
Monday, August 21st
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Current students-
Please promote this event to new students so that they do not miss out! It is going to be incredible. From what I hear, it is a powerful experience and could be a wonderful way to bond with new members of the community.
P.S. If you know how to explain what a solar eclipse is, you'll be more likely to convince people to go! Check out this event if you want to learn more about how solar eclipses happen and why they are important:
Free Public Presentation by Dr. Guerinot
Clayton Center’s Lambert Recital Hall.
Tuesday, August 15th
6:00 pm
If you can't make that event, check out this straightforward explanatory video on YouTube:
Thank you for the help.
Cindy Columbus
International Programs Coordinator
Center for International Education