Hello everyone,
My name is Laurel Woodward and I am a junior Biology major here at MC. In just one short month 11 other students, myself, Dr. Unger, and Dr. Duncan will be departing from Maryville to fly to Bonaire! This is my first study abroad trip so I am pretty nervous, but I know I am in good hands! I am also excited for this trip, because this is where I will be collecting data for my senior study!
Bonaire is a Caribbean island off the coast of Venezuela that is along side of Curacao and Aruba. Because of local impacts, governmental efforts, and the islands location outside of "Hurricane Alley", Bonaire's reefs are considered one the last "healthy" reefs in the Caribbean. Attached below are images of Bonaire's pristine reefs, an amazing NY Times article about Bonaire, as well as an interactive google map link of the island.
T minus 30 days!
Google Map:
NY Times article:
Image from: https://www.buddydive.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/slider77.jpg
Image from: https://www.tourismbonaire.com/bonaire-fish-reefs
Image from:https://www.planetware.com/tourist-attractions/netherlands-antilles-nan.htm