Spring 2021 updates

 Welcome back to Maryville College!  Below are a few updates for international students as we near the time that all students are back on campus.

I-House Communication

These are the ways we will communicate with you:

International Student (only) Facebook Group (Private): https://www.facebook.com/groups/mcinternational2020 

  • All our communications and updates will come through here.
  • Some may come in the way of a linked newsletter in this group, or a link to our blogsite if posts need to be longer


You can expect faculty, staff and students to communicate with you by email.  This may not be your preferred personal communication style, however it is a professional expectation that you read and respond to your email.  

The Center for International Education will generally use email to communicate one-on-one with students.

I-House Bulletin Board 

Once we can do things more in-person we will post sign up sheets here. 

International House Hours & Staffing

International House will remain open from 8:00am - 5:00pm until February 8th.  We will update our hours according to protocols issued by the COVID committee.

The most up-to-date information on COVID protocols is available at https://www.maryvillecollege.edu/news/info-regarding-covid19/ 


The I-House kitchen is open for use during open hours.  Maximum 2 students in kitchen at one time. Masks must be worn when other people are present.  Please scan the QR code upon use, and clean up after yourself.  Scanning will help us know when additional cleaning protocols are needed.


The I-House lounge is also open for use during open-hours.  Maximum 5 people in the room at one time.  Masks must be worn when more than 1 person is present.  

You are welcome to connect your devices to the TV for streaming purposes.


Our current staffing is as follows:
Kirsten Sheppard - Director
Ahmed Abdelrahman - Assistant Director
Micki Pruitt - Office Manager/International Student Services Assistant
Tanika Vosloo - Social Media Assistant (work study)

ANY ONE OF US can help you with questions you have. While there may be exceptional circumstances, we expect someone will be on campus every day.  Due to meetings and events we may not always be available.  Please set up an appointment to be sure to find us when it is important.

You can use this link to book us: Book an Appointment   OR - you can email us.

We will be hiring one more staff member this semester, please reach out to Kirsten.Sheppard@maryvillecollege.edu if you would be interest in serving on my hiring committee.

Student Office Space

We have space available in the lounge, or one of our student office spaces if you need a quiet place to work or study.  If you are a GCO or Study Abroad Ambassador leader, CIE student worker, or Diversity Scholar and want to set office hours, please reach out to Ahmed.  If we know when you will be there, we will make sure the rooms are unlocked.

Please ask any staff member present to unlock the space if needed.

New Students

We are happy to welcome these new students to campus this year (the hardest year ever to get visas!)

  • Zineb Aarab - Morocco
  • Saikou Baldeh - the Gambia
  • Nelida Djassi - Cabo Verde
  • Agustina Varela Burgos - Argentina
I hope some of you have had a chance to connect.


You can find these workshops online, however Kirsten will be happy to meet with you one-on-one if you have questions.

Maintaining Your Status
Photo credit USCIS

 Please note that the following is YOUR responsibility to maintain F-1 student status in the United States.

 Report any change to the DSO (Kirsten Sheppard) within ten (10) days of the change:

  • Attend authorized school (Maryville College)
  • Carry a full course of study (minimum 12 credits each semester)
  • Make normal academic progress towards completion of program
  • Keep continuity in program of study (no absences for more than five months)
  • Refrain from unauthorized work
  • Get travel authorization prior to departure and return to U.S.A. in proper F-1 status (bring I-20 with copy of unofficial transcript to International House for travel signature)
  • Keep passport valid for at least six months into the future
  • Report any change of address to DSO within ten (10) days of the change
  • File timely requests for extension of stay, change of status, transfer, OPT and other benefits
  • Obey all state and federal laws

International Education Month (March)

We postponed January plans until March for International Education Month in hopes that we will be able to do more events in person.  

International Education Month at Maryville College is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange right here at home.  It is part of our efforts to promote programs that prepare U.S. Americans for a global environment and encourage interaction with international students and their cultures.

Some of the events we have planned include:

  • Explore the World @ MC (Sections of buildings around campus decorated to represent a country or region)
    • Student Map/Passport to travel around the world @ MC
  • Taste of Culture
    • Weekly international food at Pearson's
  • Amazing Race Contest
  • Sense of Place Digital Photo Contest
  • Speakers Corner (like Hyde Park in London) with pop up faculty and student mini-lectures
  • GCO World Cup Coffee (themes TBD) & fashion show
  • Study Abroad Ambassadors sponsoring a cultural performer (performer TBD)

How can you be involved?

Are you part of a club or organization that might want to be involved?  Are you interested in helping us on our IEM committee? Reach out NOW to one of us at I-House to express your interest.  We would be happy to have students helping us put on these events.