May-term & Summer School - Why bother?

 Thank goodness it is summer!  I am sure many of you are happy to have a break from studying this year.  

That being said, I wanted to make sure that you know some of the rules about studying in May-term and the summer and the value of doing so.


No immigration requirement for summer enrollment!

From an immigration standpoint you are not required to take any courses in May-term or the Summer term.  It is considered your annual break.

May-term Course Eligibility

You are eligible to take 1 course during May-term.  These classes are condensed, and generally you meet every day for 3 weeks for 3 hours/day.  Very few courses are offered this May-term.  There are 3 courses that are part of our core curriculum and so apply to all students.  

Summer Eligibility

Any Maryville College student  can take summer courses.  You can enroll in up to 15 credits of coursework, but can take as few or as many as you want.

Online Courses

THIS MAY-TERM / SUMMER you are eligible to take either F2F or online classes without getting permission from the Center for Global Engagement due to the SEVP extension of COVID-related guidance.  IN THE FUTURE when SEVP COVID-related guidance changes back to the normal policies, you will need permission from me first before enrolling in any online coursework (summer or otherwise). There are specific rules about this in terms of quantity and when you are able to take summer classes.

Taking Courses at another Institution

This is not allowed without permission from the Center for Global Engagement.  If you would like to take a course through another institution, please make an appointment with Kirsten or Ahmed.  

Reasons to Consider MC May/Summer Courses:

1. The are cheaper. Fees are $367 per credit hour.  (this compares to about $1000/credit during the semester).

2. You could potentially graduate earlier, saving you tuition, room and board overall.

3. You can take courses that you don't have room for during the regular semester.  (Core classes, for example)

4. You can catch up on your English sequence of required classes.  If you started in ENG 101, you could take ENG 120 this May.

5. You can try something new.  Explore a different field of study that might complement or enhance your major.

6. It is a different way to study.  We have different session lengths, and you are usually just studying one or two things at a time.  Having the chance to focus and take time to learn one subject can be easier for second language learners.

Where to get more information on courses?