Midterm Coming Up!!
We are coming up on the mid-point of the semester in a couple of weeks, so now might be a good time to check in with yourself about how you feel you are doing in classes. If you aren't sure - talk to your professor. Let them know what you are feeling challenged by or what you don't understand.
Maryville College has developed many resources to help you. Stop by the Academic Support Center to figure out which type of support works best for you. Group study? 1-1 tutoring? Writing or math support? You can find detailed times to meet with student leaders here
Maybe you understand your classes, but need some help staying organized. The ASC can help with that too. Please contact them at ASC@maryvillecollege.edu or 865.981.8121 for any academic support-related questions or requests.
Lower “Garden Level” of Thaw Hall
- 1:1 Academic Coaching & Mentoring
- Group Study Sessions
- Supplemental Instruction
- The KT Collaborative
- Language and Content Tutoring
- Math Support
- Writing Consultations
Academic Support Center - Maryville College