Studying abroad is an incredible opportunity, but it can also be expensive. That's where fundraising can help! With a little extra effort and creativity, you can finance your dream of exploring the world. Start by planning ahead and budgeting for your study abroad experience.
Then, consider other ways to raise the necessary funds.
How to Fundraise in a Group
A few important rules about group fundraising:
· Funds cannot be dispersed to individuals; doing so creates federally taxable income and can impact an individual’s financial aid.
· The selling of baked goods or other food items intended for human consumption that have been prepared at residence halls/home by students or parents is not allowed due to health and safety regulations.
· Raffles, reverse raffles, cakewalks, and cakewheels are not allowed.
· Any group that is creating merchandise or marketing material that includes the Maryville College name or official college logos must work with the Marketing and Communications department to ensure consistency and conformity with the College’s style guide.
· Crowdfunding platforms are not an acceptable form of group fundraising.
Some examples of past group fundraising have
included: fundraising through local businesses who donate part of their profits
to your group (e.g. Blaze Pizza, Krispy Kreme), campus yard
sale, car wash, cookie dough fundraiser, dog washing, tshirt fundraiser,
scarf-making fundraiser, party/dinner/concert and more.
Best Individual Fundraising Ideas
Who to Reach Out to When Asking for Funds
How to Ask for Funds
Ready to Raise Money for Your Dream Study Abroad Program?
Start Now
The sooner you start fundraising and planning, the better prepared you will be when it's time to embark on a life-changing study abroad experience.
Explaining to
potential donors why you’re seeking their help is key when planning your
fundraiser. You can tell your story in an in-person meeting, letter, video,
email, flyer, on a website, etc. – just be sure it’s personal and speaks to why
a donor would want to pitch in. A few things to consider adding to your story
- Why you wish to study abroad
- What are your goals for the program
- Your academic record/achievements
- Any extracurricular activities you participate in
- How you believe studying abroad will impact your future
- What you hope to bring back to the community as a result of studying abroad