Hello all!
I am writing this blog post towards the end of my study abroad trip to Denmark,Sweden, and Iceland. To truly encapsulate all of the various sights and lessons I have learned over the course of this study abroad trip I want to show and recap some of the standout moments to me.
This is the blue lagoon in Iceland which has always been a bucket list item of mine. This journey to the blue lagoon was amazing as we enjoyed the geothermal heated water while learning about the tourism industry that it provides Iceland.
These photos are from the Golden Circle tour that we took in Iceland. On this tour we were able to see some of the most beautiful natural sights the country had to offer as pictured is the golden waterfalls and a volcano crater from a volcano that had long gone imploded. This tour offered many of Iceland’s most beautiful sights as there were numerous sights to be found on the tour.
In Denmark we were able to go to the happiness museum which was a wonderful visit. The happiness museum is where the happiness institute has posted all of their work that they have found and researched. Pictured is a long hallway where visitors to the museum are able to post notes of what makes them happy.
This photo showcases one of the many beautiful sights that the second oldest amusement park in the world,Tivoli, has to offer. In Tivoli we took a sustainability tour where we were able to take a behind look at the park and all of their sustainability efforts from recycling souvenir cups to over 80,000 LED light bulbs. After enjoying the sustainability tour we were able to then enjoy time in the park and experience the numerous rides they have to offer.
This is an organically produced blueberry sorbet that we were able to get on our day trip to Malmo,Sweden. On this day trip to Malmo we took a tour of the city and learned about its history and all of the amazing sights found throughout the city. From the inner city to the royale gardens Malmo was a beautiful city as we were able to experience the city and its plans for future sustainable development.
Over the course of this study abroad trip I have been exposed to new foods and sights that I never would have dreamed of being able to see. Studying abroad has been an experience that I will never forget and would recommend to anyone.