J-term 2012 Programs

Are you thinking about applying for a J-term 2012 program?

Planning to study abroad for the first time can seem overwhelming.  It is easy to get lost in the details, so here are a few tips and places to start.

Step 1: Learn about the programs available
  • Visit the J-term Program website: http://www.maryvillecollege.edu/international/studyabroad/jterm/
    Here you will find general information about the programs, see costs and highlights of the program.  At the top of each program page you can find a link to a detailed information package that contains the same info from the website and a little bit more!
  •  Join the facebook group for programs you are interested in.
    MC in Vietnam 2012
    MC in Southern Africa 2012
    MC in the UK 2012
    MC in Denmark 2012

    The reality is that most updates and tips and links and photos will be added here (because it is easier!)
  • Talk to the faculty members leading the trips.  They are the planners...they know the most about details of the program.
Step 2: Ask yourself why you want to go?

So this could really be step one.  But, knowing what you want to get out of the program will help you choose the program that is the best fit for you.  It will also help you write a better application essay if you can explain goals you are setting for yourself on the program.  You will also need strong goals if you want to convince anyone to support you financially.

Step 3: Figure out the finances

You will need to figure out now or later how to afford to study abroad.  Now is the better time to do this. 
  • Talk to your family.  Find out what is a realistic expectation of their contribution to the program.
  • Talk to the financial aid office.  Find out what resources are available to you for the program.  Generally, students may be eligible for additional aid based on the fact that your educational costs will increase for the year. That being said, the most common money available to you through the financial aid office are loans.  How will this experience help you achieve future goals?  It might be worth a loan.
  • Scholarships: MC scholarships are limited and need based.  Even students with very high need can not count on more than $500 - 1000 scholarships.  It can be difficult to find scholarshps for short-term programs.  Google is your friend.  See what you can find anyway.
  • Work.  You can make about $1500-2000 a semester working at minimum wage.  Servers can make $100 for a good night at work.  There are ways to earn enough money to study abroad.
  • Don't apply thinking you will rely on scholarships.  Realistically you will need multiple sources of funding. 
 Step 4: Apply for the program

The application form is available at http://www.maryvillecollege.edu/lib/file/manager/CIE/2011/Study-Abroad-Application.pdf  If you have questions about the form, come talk to Kirsten at the Center for International Education.  Don't forget to include your $100 application fee. (it is non-refundable)
  • Application tip: write out your goals and compare them to the course goals. How do they match?
  • Scholarship tip: explain your need, what resources you have and everything you are doing to try and find a way to afford the program.
You are applying for an opportunity of a lifetime...a program that will help shape who you are and how you see the world.