Year End - Katie Reed

Thursday, December 15, 2011 Year End

Well I did it. I successfully survived my finals and the end of the semester. Yesterday I moved out of my dorm and left Maryville College not to return until next fall. It was a bitter sweet moment; I had to say goodbye to all my wonderful friends I have made throughout college that I will not see again until I return. However, that just means that the journey to Spain is that much closer. I sent in my final paperwork to the Universidad Publica de Navarra (the school that I will be studying at) yesterday. Now I am home with all my stuff still in boxes and bags awaiting my unpacking so I can store some and turn right around to pack the rest again. Everytime I see someone I know around town it is inevitable that the conversation arises. It is hard to believe that it is this close. Not to mention the fact that Christmas is almost a week away, and I have yet to buy one Christmas present. I am convinced that my mind has forgotten that Christmas exists this year. This just all seems like a huge whirlwind and I do not think that it will stop until I arrive in Spain and get settled in my room. I am sure that at that moment all this will hit me like a big truck that WOW this is really happening. However, I am getting very excited! I have made contact with three people who are going to Spain when I am. One girl from California in particular; we have become pretty good friends, and are going to get an apartment and room together in Spain during the semester. Also, yesterday I was trying on some things in my room, and mom and I were beginning to talk about clothes I would be taking as well as things that I need to get before I leave. That means this Saturday is going to be a BUSY day between Christmas shopping and getting what I need for my trip. Moving from place to place through my years at school I have discovered that I really have a lot of stuff that I take with me every time I move. Me + 6 months + 2 suitcases = almost impossible. Everything mom sees that she thinks I can take I almost instantly reply with, "I don't have room for that". Example: I had a bottle of nail polish and I told mom, "I guess I could take this color with me" and she said, "Katie, you have three new bottles, you need to take them all" and I instantly replied with, "Mom I dont have room for nail polish in my bag!!" I do believe packing light has gone to my head. haha. Anyways, Spain is getting very close and time is getting faster and faster as the end of the year gets closer.