Study Abroad J-Term: Top Ten Reasons

Learning to cook Ghanaian food.
Why study abroad for an MC J-Term to Ghana or India?

1.     Travel to a destination you would never go to by yourself.
2.     Your faculty leaders have experience in country and will be your guides.
3.     It’s a deal! You can’t find a cheaper way to travel to these places.
4.     Travel with friends.
5.      Transportation is arranged for you.
6.     Maryville College has personal contacts in country for you to connect with.
7.     Earn MC credit.
8.     You can do almost anything for just 3 weeks.
9.     Be part of a long tradition of MC J-Term alums.

Ghana: A view of the Atlantic.

Friend of MC in India.

Sharing culture in India.
10. Have the time of your life!