Rosa Longoria
UPNA, Spain
Is it possible for a person to feel nostalgic about a place they havenever been to before?
It is so peaceful. I have to say I did expect to feel a whole disarray of things when I got here but peaceful, especially since this is only my 3rd week, was not one of those feelings. I was super thrown off when I arrived at Pamplona, as was expected. I had three flight connections one from Houston to Philadelphia then from Philadelphia to Madrid and finally from Madrid to Pamplona. I have gotten lost (and still do but not as often) a total of 6 times thus far and to my own credit I am at least learning super fast (street smart homies).

(first pic: I don't know I was lost, second pic: City hall, it is actually quite large, it looks small but it stretches pretty far, third pic: a house flat built by a past ruler who sought out to make his living quarters the best and the biggest in such a small town nowadays it's a language school) These places are all very well kept in consideration for how long ago they were built.
My second week was spent with the young women on the left, her name is Mildred and she is a 27yr old grad student traveling around Spain and France for a special training program as part of her degree. Mildred and I explored as much as we could and I really thank God for her that second week because my future looked really gloomy in Spain those first few days and with her I obtained the balance I needed to settle down into my environment. I feel more comfortable with my surroundings now. Although she has just recently completed her week in Pamplona and has left I feel that her stay here really helped me relax more and I am sure I will be seeing her again in the future because of how well we got along :). The pic on the right is a store in the town center that I just thought was adorable with the name and all (the clothes wasn't that interesting to me haha). I don't want to say I went crazy and shopped non-stop but I did and it was absolutely therapeutic plus I needed a new coat because it was freezing over here and my coat was not even close to enough. I did have a wired experience with an older woman who was either especially grumpy or just plain mean on one of my shopping expeditions but whatever. She wouldn't let me touch any of the clothes in her shop. She had to take them all out personally, I honestly thought it was because she was desperate to sell me something so I tried to find something I liked in the shop so I could buy it out of courtesy and just get the hell out of there but it turns out her strange behavior turned for the worst every time I reached to touch and feel a fabric or scarf and she was just giving off that presumptuous vibe that she didn't think I could buy anything in her shop let alone afford it. The way she stalked me in her store was way out of line and I wasn't the only one in her store. In the end I looked at her and (she was standing right behind me) told her she was being rude in Spanish then simply turned and left. I let my hand run through a few item racks on my way out too. I was pretty upset.

I miss my MC professors, I knew I had it good but this just reaffirms my feelings of love for professors at MC more.I have been going out with a few Spanish friends I've made here in classes and my favorite one so far is a girl names Miriam, who invited me to diner often with a large group of friends and we have a wonderful time. She is extremely modern, haha ,compared to that of others I have met here.
(At a Italian restaurant. We devoured 8 pizzas and three huge salads, it was great.)
Overall my First and Second week were hard but I'm extremely proud of myself for doing this (for the most part) alone. I can't take all the credit because I've had fabulous people talk to me along the way the first few horrifically lonely days and I can't stress how important that was to me so thanks guys (Brittani, Julie, Helena, Parents). I feel much better after all the 'Sugar' I received from you guys, the title didn't just have to do with the fact that I love the new Maroon 5 song Sugar either. I am still seeing my friends and although it's not at a high frequency, things are looking up. I usually go get coffee with a few of them and I learn a lot from them, I even learn a lot of history just by them talking to me about the old buildings.
I'm going on a trip the weekend to some caves and so I'll keep you all posted on what happens, I do apologize this post too so long I just had to write it in the right state of mind and I wanted it to be long enough for a good read and not a short list of me rolling around like a lost potato. So I will continue to keep you guys posted about what happens in my life Post Spain and all that jazz.
PS: Whatsapp is a free messaging app that everyone seems to have here in Spain.
PPS: Thanks for reading feel free to comment if you want my contact info or anything.
PPPS: I bet my grammar and punctuation are horrible, I apologize.
Love, Rosie.