Fall Semester - What's New?


Since many students could not make the meeting today, here are some quick updates!

Center for Global Engagement Staffing Changes

We are hiring  - so watch your email for an invitation to be involved with the hiring process!

Welcome new Global Scots!

Come to the Global Welcome Party on September 6th in the Pearson's Quad to meet up!  4-6pm

International House  - Stay Connected

All our Global Scot communication updates will come through the WhatsApp group.  Make sure your international friends are on too!

ALSO - be sure to download the MC Scots App to follow MC events and access quick links!


New @ International House

Our relaxation room is for students connected with the Center for Global Engagement.
Open 8:00 - 5:00pm
Rules posted inside

Upcoming Events

Come to our events this semester.  Message on WhatsApp if you have questions!

Start of Semester Checklist - All Global Scots

Immigration Rules - Academics!

What's New On Campus?

New study spaces, new food stations, new health services!  Ask us more about any of the above. More information on new health services

Need some transportation?  How about a FREE BIKE?

Bike Ministry

Apply for a Free Bike!

We have a local partnership that offers free bikes to international students.  

Learn More about PIVOT TN and apply for your bike!