And then it was the end

It’s my last official full day in Linz today!  As I’m writing this I still have a lot of things left to accomplish (packing, cleaning, paperwork, studying…), and it keeps me so busy that I’ve barely had time to think about my last week in Austria.  Thank goodness my Economics final is over now – and I was actually able to put down some sort of answer for all of the questions this time, so it already went better than the midterm did! (It’s the small victories that keep me going.)

Leaving a place and people you’ve come to love is hard, and I’m feeling the strange mix of emotions I always feel when I move back to Georgia for the summer and move to Maryville again for the start of the fall semester.  When there are people you care about and will miss on both sides it’s always difficult to decide how you feel.  I’m unbelievably excited to come back home and see everyone I’ve been missing, but I’m leaving some really extraordinary people here.  I know that I’ll see the people who are the most important to me again sometime, because that’s how it usually works out (and, really, it gives me yet another excuse to travel more around the world!).

So, as my time here winds down, I’ll be trying my best to learn some last minute German for my final exam, to say goodbye to all the wonderful people I’ve met here, and to get everything else squared away.  I’ve had an incredible time here, and to all of my dear, dear friends I’ve made in the last five months – I can’t wait to see you again!

Now, here’s hoping that my suitcase won’t be too heavy for the plane…