by Katie Reed
Universidad de Navarra, Spain
It has been awhile since I have last updated, but I will try to catch
everyone up with everything that has happened since. No major events
have occurred since the end of the semester is almost here and exams are
coming up. As days go by my extreme dislike for the Spanish
educational system grows even more. Between the inefficiency of some
classes and grading systems, to a couple annoying and extremely
unhelpful professors to the fact that our exams are our final grades and
the exams are nothing like what information is in the corresponding
powerpoints. However, I am surviving...thanks to some great friends and
family pushing me to get to the end. Between the long days of making
notecards and attempting to study Amanda and I continue our adventures.
Another hair treatment has been crossed of the bananas this
time though! Eggs, oil, and water....makes for some super oily hair!!
We also went out for "Juevinxtos" with Bryson and Nick (and also met a
group of students here from Vermont for a couple hours) and had quite a
fun and interesting night to say the least! After a straight 5 days of
rain the weather is finally better...and hot to say the least with
thanks to no air conditioning. We have been going out several days to
lay in the sun and attempt to get a tan. After being called "negrita"
(black) about four times in one day I think the tan is coming along
nicely. I also got the privilege of attempting to explain to our
teacher what redneck is...I must say it was funny just to hear what
other from around the U.S. describe one as....I have come to the
conclusion that unless you are from the South you do not truly
understand the concept. I also got another comment on my accent last
night....I thought those were over after the first couple months, I was
wrong. Anyways, another night at Marengo has also been crossed off the
list. This one was one to remember though for sure! Spanish guys
here....there are hardly words to explain. After finally escaping them
all and getting them to leave us alone after we told them we did not
want to go to breakfast with them we finally got a cab back to Abedules
and got some rest...all day! While talking to Mom on Skype one
afternoon she proceeded to tell me how she was leaving work going to get
a McD's sweet tea and then head shopping. Needless to say I was not
happy....I told her she better hush because I did not want to hear any
of that! I proceeded to inform her that she was talking to me who is
over here on the other side of the world with nothing she has while she
is driving her car, in the air conditioning, getting my favorite drink
in the entire world, and going shopping. Telling me all that and
knowing I can't have any of it is just pure torture! Anyways...more
trips to the store, La Morea, the Chino, and more. Cooking dinner
together and movie nights continue of course. We actually made homemade
strawberry shortcake yesterday...yummm. We sat outside last night
after dark and just talked for a long time, that was definitely nice.
Not only was it cool but just relaxing and girl talk. As the end of
our 6 month adventure that we never end draws near the emotions are
starting to kick in. We are definitely excited to go home and see
everyone, but it is very bitter-sweet. We are decided we will be crying
quite a bit when we leave here no doubt. This has become our life and
have become accustomed to what we have here and being out on our own, so
it will be hard to go back at first and be with so many people, having
phones (which I will probably be sick of in a matter of hours) and all
the little things that we don't have here. However, seeing friends and
family will make it all worth it! The closer it gets the more my mind
reflects on what all I have been through and how I want to remember
every bit of it. I have learned so much from being
away it
really blows my mind and I don't even think I realize exactly how much I
have changed until I go back home and am back in my own environment.
We really only have 2 more weeks left of stuff to do here and the last
week is vacation for us. This coming weekend we have so many projects
and exams coming up that studying will consume every bit of it. The
next weekend we will be out celebrating with two of our good friends
Kaci and Audrey before they head back to the states. And the weekend
after that we are going on a trip..hopefully Portugal if all plays out
well. Anyways...I will update more later. Until then it is time to
study for the worst exam of my life which is...tomorrow! Comercio
Internacional = death! Hasta luego mis amigos!
Universidad de Navarra, Spain