"Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of
opportunity." -Hippocrates
June 13th, 2012
Looks pretty similar to TN, right? There are
tons of pine trees here. The difference is, a lot of the boys from the
villages will come and climb the trees and cut down the branches to use
for firewood. No, they don't use climbing equipment, they simply use
their bare hands and feet. |
Bumpy roads make me miss my FJ. It's
interesting travelling on these roads to the villages that we visit each
day. I'll never complain about the road system in the U.S. Okay, I
probably will because I'm human and American, but I can't help but hope
that I would realize how truly our blessed our country is. |
Medical Clinic, Part 1. We travelled to
Chusajcap, which is about a 35 minute drive. We set up the medical
clinic. Apparently there was a huge celebration the day before in
another village, so there were not many patients to be seen. We packed
up after helping a dozen patients or so and were off on our way
again... |
Juan. So adorable. |
Chusajcap, village with rolling hills and
beautiful agriculture |
Linsey and Juan |
Santa Catarina, a village about 15 minutes
away from Pana. A couple years ago, a natural disaster came and wiped
out part of the village. The building that we worked in was newly
renovated and was very spacious. For about 5 hours, there was
consistently people coming in and out of the clinic for help. |
Mario Jorge. Looks so precious, but was a
little trickster. Couldn't help but like him although he kept calling me
"Nancy" |
absolutely adorable. |
precious children come into the clinics
everyday. she looks so sweet and unfortunately has scabies, which is a
skin infection dealing with bugs under the skin. there are treatments,
but it is awful how many children life like this |
For the past three days, I was blessed with the opportunity to help the
Element 3 team with medical clinics. When I was first assigned to this
task, I was a little bit hesitant because I was so unsure of how I would
actually be able to help. Luckily, there was some basic math and
organizational skills that I could provide. Also, I was able to talk to
so many of the patients and explain, to the best of my ability, how to
use the medicine and what they were to be used for. I was if I was
bilingual which was a big compliment, but far from the truth. As
Michael, one of the group members, said, it's easy to become pretty good
at saying "un pastilla cada dia" and other basic spanish phrases such
as that. Regardless, it was a wonderful experience and I hope that I get
this opportunity again sometime in the future. Unfortunately, this was
the last medical clinic that I will be able to help with this summer in
Guatemala, but there are always other opportunities in the future and
other countries.
Today, Abby, led the morning devotional. We discussed how you come on
these mission trips to have your heart broken. You have to prepare your
heart for that kind of aching that you are not used to. The thing is,
you cannot dwell on the negative, but focus on trying to change what you
worry about, what frustrates you, and what you actually are capable of
doing. You have to wake up the next day and have your heart broken
again. There are thousands of women being abused by their alcoholic
husbands, children being left nameless to starve on the streets, and
dogs being poisoned due to overpopulation. Sure, you can see these
statements as cliche, but wait until you see these things yourself and
you'll realize why so many people say these things. You shouldn't come
to do mission work in hopes of making yourself a better person. It's
about the people you are helping and the change in perspective that you
receive. Everyone needs a little mission work in their life, or a lot of
mission work for that matter. God blesses so many of us with
opportunity and prosperity with the hopes that we will use the skills
that we gain and the things that we are blessed with to help those that
cannot help themselves. Call me cheesy and dramatic if you wish, but
again, everyone will hopefully see these things for themselves some day.
I admire the people who sell all their possessions and move to
countries such as Guatemala to do mission work for a living. It takes so
much courage and dedication and is probably something that I will never
be able to do, in all honesty. There is always something to do in local
areas and there is a way to maintain the "normalcy" of an American life
while helping those around you and visiting countries to do what you
can with the time that you have.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.