finally made it to Heidelberg, Germany. Upon my arrival I found my hostel and got settled in my room before going to get some food and wait for it a margarita (you thought I was gonna say beer didn't you?). Then I walked around a bit dodging the pregaming teens going to the club and such (I'm still not use to see teens drink legally). Any way I paneled out what sights I want and should see before I leave tomorrow afternoon to head off to the next location on my trip. I will have to stop at a store and pick up some water for my next bus trip it is a long one which today's turned out to be longer than it was suppose to be. Wifi will be my friend for that journey as well as my unlimited supply of books on my kindle who has been my saving grace while traveling and while abroad. Hopefully tomorrow's trip will be better than today's. I have now experiences almost every mode of transport in Europe I believe (metro, bus, train, plane, taxi, and
car, I'm missing Vespa). Maybe one day... After a night of good sleep I was up with the sun and off to see the sights or at least I thought so... Which the lady gave me the wrong bus number so I got lost. But I got there eventually and had an amazing time walking around the university square and to the closer sights. I found some cute souvenirs and ate some wonderful pretzels. Oh and I love Germany because they have Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper. I was having withdraws. After spending a few
hours wondering around I headed back to get my things ready to catch the bus to the next city. I got the bus and started out fine. but slowly started to wear me out though it is wearing on me. It is a very long bus ride, but worth the price compared to train and other modes of transportation. Second thing about this ride I have noticed that wind turbines and everywhere in Germany. Seriously it's like Starbucks and McDonald's in the U.S.. The countdown still continues too 5 days and counting until I am home (from Saturday). Ready to continue my last adventure though as well as to go home. Dresden the city of crazy trams Germany. I cannot tell you how many times I got lost on the tram system in Dresden. Too many for anyone with a almost finished college education and a map that is for sure. My host was lovely and very helpful and had great advice for me. I managed to get free maps from the public transportation company and it was marvelous (college kids love free). I managed to find and reach the one of the main centers and home to so many buildings worthy of multiple glances. After many surprise performances and funny gestures I made my way around and found the best bakery thanks to a Czech local and had an amazing breakfast/brunch treat. After a few more hours of walking I headed
back to take a nap before catching my next bus. Well after my nap and getting lost again and again I made it to the bus station and found a place to eat and sit (since I was still a little early). Then I walked around and.picked up a few things I needed (travel shampoo, etc.) and found the right bus stop side (international side). Of course I was there early and the bus was late and by late I mean 35 minutes late, but finally it arrived and I was off to Prague. Which it is a way shorter trip than imagined. I arrived to the Prague station and got some Czech money out and met my host at the station. Where she proceeded to show me the ways of the Czech metro and public transport system. We made it to her house and I met her dog and her boyfriend who are both nice and friendly. They showed me my room and then she explained the map and gave me some information to read about Prague and it was very helpful. Then it was bed time and time to be ready to explore Prague.
I woke up before my alarm (boo) and decided to just get up instead of fighting the sun and trying to sleep. So I was up and ready to explore Prague alone. Which I started with the castle and it's grounds (which I got a student discount yay!). Then it was on to Charles Bridge and the John Lennon wall. (which is amazing). After which I made my way through Old town square by when I was tired so I
headed back to my host's house to rest before dinner.One thing I learned is you do as the locals do... So I have drank Czech beer now and it's quite good as well are the local dishes and sweets. Next stop another bus to Berlin. The morning brought a trip to the new square full of shops in Prague. With the clouds and a storm rolling in I decided to stop and grab some lunch before heading to the bus station. I ate a small lunch at a tram cafe. It was good food and even better view. Then it was time to head to the bus station. On the way there I stopped in this store and found a special surprise for my biggest supporter and probably the happiest person to see me on Friday (my momma). Then it was time to head to the station. Where while waiting I met three Canadians that are on the same bus with me and we got the front seats on the top of the bus. We are front row viewers of the beauty that is the Czech Republic and Germany. So as we ride a sense of peace crosses me because the scenery reminds me of home and those Tennessee hills and valleys. 3 days left until I can be home and see my family. No matter where you go, remember where
you came from. My new life moto and quote. Life can always change your current life situation and location, but it can never change where you were raised and the values instilled by your family. Berlin baby! Home to many historical moments in time. Too many to see in the one day I had. Well I started my day by taking a "free" walking tour and it was great the guide was very entertaining and adapted his humor to fit the mostly younger group. He knew a lot about the sights and the city. After the 2.5 hours tour I was off to explore more on my own. Which wasn't that bad once you get the hang
of the U and S bahn systems. It was quite a long and interesting day. It was crazy to see some of the places that the darkest part of the world's history took places and rhe monuments recognizing the victims of those dark moments in time. Besides that we saw the last standing Nazi building, and Check Point Charlie. There is so much to see and do in Berlin that at least 3 days or more is needed. Besides the historical stuff, I got to see the place where the soccer (futbol) tournament is happening in Berlin this weekend. It is crazy to see double of everything in Berlin because of the division after WWII. As well as seeing all the old architecture mixed with the new and modern architecture lthat is everywhere in Berlin and in Germany in general. Well now I'm on the plane back to Milan and I can say I will miss Europe, but I am ready to be home and back in the U.S. even with all of her faults and scars, it's still home
and always will be. On that note I also want to think those you serve in our servicemen in our armed forces (past, present and future) for fighting for my ability to travel the world and have a save and free country to return too. Also because I thanks them for what they give up when they join and serve the country. I have nothing, but respect for those men and women, because I have barely been able to be away from my family and I had probably more access to talk to them, so I couldn't imagine how hard it is for them. So thank you from me and I am sure all other travelers for your service and the ability we have to return home to a free country. 1 day left by the time you read this. U.S. see you soon! Thank you to those who have kept up with my travels throughout my experience abroad as well. I might have one or two more in me after this one (about returning home).
Ciao for now!
See you soon!
I'm coming
Home to