Nathan in Sweden: Observations

Public restrooms in Sweden are actually quite private. Each WC (water closet) consists of a small space behind a closed door, a sink, and a toilet. These WCs are actually unisex, though, and I’ve been feeling a bit torn about whether I should leave the seat up or down. I guess either way I have about a 50% chance of being perceived as courteous.

There are places to hang your coat everywhere, but I haven’t gotten used to seeking them out. I usually sprawl my bag and coat over the nearest vacant chair, and around that time, I spot some clever little hook or rack for hanging up one’s coat. I guess the Swedes have to make up for the fact that there are zero water fountains to be found– anywhere!

Oh, and it’s been sunny here the past three days. I hope I don’t get spoiled.
My Good Neighbors, the Trees