So last time I left off about to go to Italy! After about 16 hours on a bus through the Alps (3 hour delay) and vineyards, we arrived in Milano! The weather was great, it was sunny with a nice breeze. I even got a sunburn!! We saw the Cathedral, walked around a good bit, saw a castle, and the building where the Last Supper painting is hanging. We didn't get to go in and see it because it was sold out for a week... BUT I saw the building!
Alps |
Typical Leaning Tower of Pisa Pic |
Milano Cathedral |
After a day in Milan, we were suppose to meet at 9 pm... which then turned into 11 pm because of bus driver rules. Then we didn't get to the hotel until 3:30 am and we had to wake up at 8 am....Everyone was veryyyyy upset with the company we went with.
Venice |
The next day we visited Pisa, just to see the Leaning Tower then off to Florence we went. It rained and rained cats and dogs the whole time. Everyone got soaked and wanted to leave... so we did! We went back to the hotel for the night and had terrible pizza. In the middle of all this fuss and travel, there was a lovely Chinese girl who entertained us with loud outbursts of anger. For example when we couldnt find the hotel... she threw her stuff down and yelled "where is da f***ing hotel?!?" and "Dis is nawt ocay". These two lines have now become our own inside joke and sum up the whole trip. Our last day was amazing though! Venice was beautiful and we spent the whole day there with nothing going wrong! I met a guy from Finland and his dad was originally from the States, so it was soooo nice to talk normal to a foreign person, someone who understood all my American sayings and country accent. Best part, he lived in Bochum which is next to Dortmund! So I made a good friend!! Woooo
Sunset in Brussels |
After Italy, I headed to Brugge and Brussels. Brugge was my favorite because it was small and nice, Brussels was neat but there was not too much to see. We did make a point to see the famous Pissing Statue of course and the Palace! But nothing eventful really happened, it was just a nice relaxing trip filled with mussels, waffles, chocolate, and Belgian beer. Oh, and we ended up in the middle of a Zombie Parade!
Now back to reality and student teaching! I started at a new school, the International School in Essen. Its about a 35 minute train ride and a 15 minute walk everyday, but its pretty and so nice to walk into a school where their main language is English. The teacher I am working with is from Georgia and does not speak Germany... she has now sparked a fire in me... I want to teach abroad... cause its totally doable and being a teacher in Europe is on the same level as a doctor! This had also lead me to start thing about grad school and other possibilities... its all new, overwhelming, but so exciting! I am so happy at this school so far! The kids are so smart and I feel comfortable around them (because i understand them). So far so good!!!