In more than one way. Finals are literally 5 to 7 days away
since I have them on 2 days. Then 15 days until I am Home Sweet Home. It is starting to get to me too. I miss home!
I have taken to making sweet tea here because I miss my momma’s sweet tea. I
have been listening to music that my mom plays around the house. I have been
listening to a video my puppy howling. I have missed so much already.
Congratulations again to all my now Alumni friends from Maryville College. It
is approximately 4 days until my best friend gets married to her true love.
Congratulations to y’all wish I could be there with you for your big day. Know that my thoughts are with you from
Italy. So my life hasn’t been to interesting lately with the upcoming finals
fast approaching and planning my trip before heading home. I am getting ready to travel to 5 cities and
2 countries in 6 days. I’m heading to Germany (Munich, Heidelberg, Dresden and
Ending in Berlin) and to the Czech Republic (Prague). I am excited and ready to
see some beautiful sights.


Another way to see it as it’s the final countdown to how
much time I have time with the people on my hall (they are not my biggest
fans). As well it’s the final countdown to when I will get to see some of my
friends. Miss y’all! I cannot believe we are close to starting our senior years
at MC. It will be a great year! Also it
is the final countdown until I get to see my favorite Country star (Luke Bryan)
in concert this summer. Although I am sad I have so much to look
forward to that makes the fact that I am leaving Italy a little easier. My family has helped with this aspect as
well. We have an annual fish fry the Sunday after I get home so I can see half
of my family. Then it is time to get ready to work and make some money for my
senior year. My Study-cation is almost over. We all know that this wasn’t my
hardest or craziest semester that award goes to last semester (Emily you know
the crazy parts). My senior year is looking to be a hard one as well. Full
course loads, Mentoring (which I love to do), President of the Loud Scotsmen,
Fulfilling scholarship requirements, and possibly volunteering in the
International House. It is a good thing I like to be busy and to organize
I think I will miss the fact that Italian art can be
misguiding and take time to understand. Seriously it took me 3 months to
realize this statue/sculpture thing was a needle and thread. I will also miss the surprise rain showers
that are freezing cold.
My life changed this past February and it changed me in a
good way. My life will change again this
June and hopefully change me to be an even better me. I cannot wait to hug my
family and cuddle with my fat puppy. Also I will come bearing gifts and treats.
I am too nice sometimes. I miss y’all and love y’all! See you soon!