Day 7: Work + Tarrifa Excursion

Over this past week a lot has occurred. First off, my internship. During my preliminary time in Seville, this initial experience has been defined by an initial sense of excitement and confusion. On the one hand, I am happy that I was able to be placed into a position within the program which fits in with my eventual Archival goals. This work has mostly consisted of entering tour records into an online database. Although I was initially confused about how this job would fit into SPE requirements, I have little concern now.
However, on the one hand, this work certainly hasn’t been perfect. Most of the negative aspects relate to the time of year I have come. Due to the fact that it is summer, the tour company has been extremely busy and I have been unable to actually meet up with my advisor regarding work schedules. Because of this, I have largely been forced to determine my own initial work schedule and perform whatever job is necessary on a particular day. Although I am confident that this problem will be resolved (eventually), it is still slightly disconcerning  to say the least.
Now to move on to the next major aspect of my trip so far, the excursion to Tarrifa. Although the strong winds made it nearly impossible to walk along the beach, the old Roman ruins made the trip a nice break from work and have allowed me to get my bearings on the country to a greater extent.
Here are some pictures:
To close this post off, if I were to describe my first week in Seville in one word it would be hectic. Between the Seminar Class, Work, and excursions (not to mention getting used to living in a foreign country) this week has brought on a bunch of adjustments, excitement, and concerns. Nevertheless, I feel that as time goes on I will become more comfortable here.