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If someone would have come up to me last week and told me that my internship was going to be better than I had ever imagined, I wouldn't have believed them. Interning abroad was already among one of the biggest decisions that I've made and I was so nervous boarding the plane to come here.
However, when I arrived here, I was greeted with three wonderful people from CEA who spoke with me about the program and answered any questions that I had about the city. They even spoke about their own experiences in Paris over coffee and a croissant as we waited for the next person to arrive before going to CEA.
The next day was basically a full day of orientation. Amidst the hours in classrooms learning what to do and what not to do in our living spaces and how to stay safe in the city, we also took a cruise along the Seine River and saw all the sites that Paris remains famous for to this day. Once the cruise was over, a group of girls and I wanted to get closer to the Eiffel Tower so we got dinner and went back to the Tower to get a closer look at it. When we got there, it was almost like everything I had ever imagined it to be and a little more. The street vendors trying really hard to get you to buy something from them. People, everywhere, trying to take the perfect picture with the Eiffel Tower in the background. Others lounging in the park nearby. We spent a few hours there also sitting in the park and talking about what all we wanted to do while we were here. We never went up the Tower, but it was a great way to start this experience. Besides, I can always go back.
The other days that I have spent here in Paris have consisted of going to Sacré-Cœur (which I wasn't able to get many great pictures of) and working as an intern. Like I said before, my internship is definitely one for the books. The people I work with are phenomenal and have taken great measures to make sure I understand the tasks I have been given. I have even met a couple of volunteers at work who are from different areas as well and we have already talked about different places together. Also, the view from the street where I work is pretty spectacular as well.
Among all the amazing things that I get to see and do while I'm here in Paris, there are still some challenges for me. Navigating the French language and the metro system is pretty daunting, however, with each day it seems to be getting a little easier. Everything is also still unfamiliar here and I catch myself wishing to be around something or someone that I know. However, with all that being said, there is still so much that I want to discover while I'm here and I'm looking forward to it! But for now, I'm going to say au revoir until the next blog post.