Weekend Roundup - What I missed....

Brittany McLaughlin
Brock University, Canada

(follow all her blogs at https://bemclaughlinblog.wordpress.com/)

School is crazy, or maybe that’s just me. It’s rather amusing, and I can’t help but wiggle in excitement for the classes that I am taking. Not only are 3/4ths of my chosen courses literature based, but 3/4ths of them are culture based, and one of them is solely based on Aboriginal Studies and the culture behind Canadian Indigenous people. All of them are looking to be rigorous but I’m ready to learn in a new way that is not only beneficial for me, but for all of the others that I get a chance to meet. I guess I have to represent my home school yeah?

Moving in was pretty easy. NOT. I’d just like to state that the residence that I’m living in probably has more students in it than the whole of my college campus. I walked around my residence DeCrew four times before I even had a chance to figure out I was on the wrong side of the building. OOPS.
There is the semi-weird way that it is set up, although it is very nice on the inside. They don’t primarily live on “floors” like we do back home. Say, I lived on 3rd floor Gibson back home. WELL, here at Brock I live in Stairwell 5 (which is connected to stairwell 4) On floor 5. I believe we have around 50 students in each stairwell and around 17+ stairwells. Not to mention that this gets even deeper when the stairwells have houses, We are Cruickshank House with the mascot of a Dolphin.

Rock on.

But the rooms aren’t small (that may be because I luckily got one of the rooms that has a sloping ceiling because i’m on the fifth floor) and all of the people on my floor, and stairwell, are super nice.
Let me continue on to speak about how large this residence is. Within the residence, we have our mailing system, AND we have our cafe. Yeah. This means I don’t have to leave the building unless i have class. THANK GOODNESS FOR THOSE COLD DAYS.

As for food, I miss new Pearsons, but the soup here is flawless, so I will probably miss that. The only think I think I’m going to have an issue with is trying to find my community service sites. After talking with the man over it here, he not only looked at me like I was crazy, but seemed concerned that I needed to do 10 hours a week. He said something along the lines of “If they don’t want you WORKING that much while you are here, how do they expect you to do that much service?!” Well look at that my Bonner peeps, people excited about how much community service that I am doing.
Not to mention everyone here is thrilled about my book. i can’t help but smile and wink and show it off at every chance I get. Hopefully at some point I will get more people onto reading it, and Maryville College should soon, if not already, have copies of my book within the store. And as soon as I come in contact with Hastings, I will get everyone involved as knowledgeable about how much the books will be and when they will be in the store.

Things I’ve found out about Living in Canada alone for a week.
  1. Snow happens. And I don’t like it.
  2. Salt happens, and it stains everything.
  3. don’t leave anything liquid in your car unless you want it to explode.
  4. Driving with Canadian friends will only result in them giggling at how you scrape your windows.
  5. the joke “Are you from Tennessee, because you are the only Ten i see” actually is funnier when you are NOT in TN.
  6. Alcohol is much more common. MUCH MORE COMMON.
  7. Zed = Z and it makes me giggle
  8. I need a good hat or my ears will fall off.
  9. It’s strange living with everyone younger than you.
  10. If you want to have a good time, you go to fourth floor.
Eventually, Hopefully, Something, I should be keeping these up. Once a week, at least at some point. Those here for writing will find this somewhat amusing, and all my International friends will giggle at my cold pain.