I have been thinking a lot lately and for the first time, in the past week, I have found myself a bit homesick. It's like, here I am in this country, surrounded by new people, adventures, and things to do, the weather has been glorious, but at times I just crave the security of the things I know. My daily routine, my close friends and family, and even the serenity of the Smoky Mountains.
View in the |
Amigos en las cuevas <3 |
More of the cave |
This really hit me hard on Sunday when I went on a trip with the other study abroad students to Zugarramurdi, a pueblo that has a rich history in their cuevas de brujas, or witch caves. The trip was so much fun despite the cheesy tourist geared museum. We packed lunches, enjoyed each others company, and spent the day exploring the town and the caves. I am always so impressed by the things that you find in the weirdest corners of the world.
After we went to another small town that's known for its sweets and we enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate which is very rich and thick here opposed to hot chocolate at home. Its usually had with a churo or a bread of some sort because of the consistency and richness.
View en route to the caves |
The funny thing is that even though it was a beautiful day surrounded by friends and nature, the trip there was when my home sickness started to kick in. I was in shock at how similar the ride looked to both TN and AZ at different points, I guess being cooped up in the city has kind of started to get to me because the view of rolling hills, distanced mountains, and bunches of trees really made me miss my homes in the US. I would give anything to get in Alice (my car for those of you who don't know) and drive to the mountains for a hike. Thinking on this also made me think about people I miss back home and the things that I am missing out on. I am not going say that I would trade this experience for anything in the world though, it has just made me really appreciate the people in my life and the time that I have with them.
I was breathless |
That's another thing about studying abroad. It makes you really see time in a new way. Time is precious, valuable, and fleeting. Living somewhere for only a short period of time changes your view on time and how important it really is to have good experiences and to make good relationships because there is not a second to waste. Luckily this is what I have been doing. I am ever in awe of how close I have become with so many people in the last month in a half. When I end these months here in Pamplona, I will have amazing relationships with people in Spain, France, Australia, Chile, Mexico, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Holland, Brazil, new people from the US, and so many more places. I am so blessed by the love and support I have here and thinking about the end of this perfect world we are in is scary and a little bit sad.
At the same time, I am continuously reflecting on time passing back home. College is four years. I have been so blessed to have found the perfect community at Maryville College and my first 2 and a half years were amazing. I have made life-long friendships and have had the opportunities to do so many things and to grow as a person. While I am here, my classmates are at different points. Some of them are in their last semester and after graduation will go out into the world to make the MC difference. I am so happy for them and I can't help but to wish that I could share these last few months with them. My fellow Juniors are considering as I am also, that we only have just over a year left to pull our lives together before we hit the "real world". We are at the one point in our lives where we will all live in one place, pass all of our free time together, and bask in our freedom and youth. This understanding makes me excited for the year to come because I know I have to make it one worthy of being my final chapter of college.
Some of my favorite people in the world |
Apart from my word-vomit of reflection, I want to share some of those many people I mentioned above who have been making this experience better each and every day.
We represent a huge part of the world, and that is SO cool |
Last night, all of us international students gathered for an international dinner. Each country brought foods that are typical for them and we spent the night sharing our cultures through food (really this is one of the best ways to share culture in my opinion). It was a great night full of food, laughter, dancing and fun. My friend Jartum taught me a phrase and I think that it sums up what I'd like to live my life by and how I have been living my experience in Spain. She told me that I live by "Lo doy todo" which is roughly the same and giving it your all in English. With this experience, this life, and the limited time that we all have here, I want to give every day, every moment, and every person my all. That's what I deserve and that's what the people I come into contact with deserve from me.
From Spain, and with all of my heart,