The WFP & Sustainability

The WFP or the World Food Program is a UN Agency that is responsible for ensuring that every man, woman, and child has access to the food needed to maintain an active and healthy life. They are also responsible for the logistics arm of the UN. They provide transport and communication devices  for the other UN agencies.
But, I'm here to tell you about how they are stepping into the future and incorporating sustainable solutions into their relief efforts.

In the past the WFP has purchased the food and supplies for relief efforts from developed countries (like the US and UK). However, they have a new goal for new action. This new action will hopefully become a sustainable solution.

Instead of buying food from developed countries, in the future the WFP will either buy food from the effected country itself (when this is possible) or from developing countries. Developing countries are at a medium economic level like the Philippines for example. Their economy would greatly benefit from such a purchase.
They are also providing vouchers to appropriate people. These vouchers allow people to purchase food from local supermarkets and other such stores. These vouchers can come in paper or electronic (good for the environment!!) forms.

These new actions will help the economy of the area in crisis and therefore pull it out of a crisis faster.
Our speaker left us with this thought, "Every country today that has a thriving economy started from somewhere. The U.S. was not always a super power. Other countries need help to develop."
With this sustainable solution, the WFP is offering these countries a helping hand by stimulating the growth of their economies.

-Sarah Grace Holland