The Center for International Education and Maryville College joined college campuses around the country to celebrate International Education Week November 14-18. International Education Week began 11 years ago as a joint initiative between the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education to promote cultural exchange and international education. International students, returned study abroad students and other internationally minded students took advantage of this opportunity to raise awareness of places, people and ideas from around the world!

Myanmar represented at the International and Study Abroad Fair. Other countries that students represented included Japan, Korea, France, Germany, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, China, the Philippines, Ireland and Holland.
Special events during International Education Week included an International Fashion Show, International Photo Contest, International and Study Abroad Fair, German Club's Flash Mob Dance, Fair Trade Information, Peace Corps Presentations, Community Lectures from Faculty, International Soccer Tournament and Peace Flag Demonstrations. We finished the week in style with an International Dance Party!