4th Week of Work+Corpus Christi

On the whole, it has been a busy but , at times, enjoyable week. At work, in general not a whole lot has changed over the past week. Over the past week, primary work has been on translations of the company’s Dossier. Overall, I would say that this has been a valuable experience in that it has allowed me to improve my translation skills to a considerable extent and apply my language skills in a practical, work based setting. At the same time, I have also continued the project of organizing past excursions into the existing spreadsheet.
At this point, I am becoming more comfortable with my work, and the shortened work hours means that if I continue to work the way I have been, I will be able to possibly take some extra time for travel near the end of the program. At the same time, however, I am nevertheless getting slightly frustrated with this placement due to the fact that it has given me little to no work related opportunities to experience museum work.
During this week, however, the main important event which occurred within the city was the celebration of Corpus Christi. Luckily, I was able to get a day off for this event. On this holiday dedicated to the miracle of the Eucharist, numerous long processions occurred throughout the city primarily composed of groups of individuals carrying large altarpieces containing Religions Sculptures and Icons as well as processions of monks and various religious associations carrying colored candles down the center of town. In all it was a valuable cultural experience and I am glad I was able to see it, as it gave me a much better understanding of the city and its culture.
Overall, I would say that, between work, Corpus Cristi, and three quarters of the original program leaving because classes(outside the internship seminar course) had ended in Seville. In this context, this will likely be a hectic final month.