First Week

So Tara and I have finally arrived and begun our journey in Berlin! Our first week was certainly an eventful one with traveling, jet lag, and moving into our host homes. If I had to pick a stand out thing for this week, it would definitely have to be the Berlin Zoo. It was insanely gorgeous! I felt so close to all of the animals. Instead of huge fences encaging them like the Knoxville Zoo, they have maybe a one or two foot fence and then a trench to separate the humans and animals. It was so cool! My favorite part had to be the pandas. I had never seen a real panda up close! I almost cried with joy I was so excited. We also got to watch a hippo feeding and a sea lion show. Everything about it was perfect, and the price was very college student friendly! I am so glad to finally be here in Berlin. I am in love with this city already!