The first week of classes is over and if I'm being honest, took a lot of will power for me to get up in the morning as sleep hasn't been easy. But this first week of classes honestly gave me a lot to think about when it came to an infamous serial killer.
The first day of class was more of an introduction into the course and what it will consist of as well as some of the basics that come with psychology. The second and third day were more consistent of what makes a psychopath a psychopath and the difference between a business psychopath and one that is pure evil. As well as killers in the medical field.
Going into more specifics there was an English nurse who may have seen like she would have been a psychopath but in reality had a mental disorder called Munchausen's syndrome. This caused her to pretend to be sick or injured and in some cases even inflict pain on herself as a way to get attention. As she grew older and began working in hospitals she would self diagnose her patients with problems they did not have and would began to take care of these problems with different kinds of chemicals, which in the long run killed multiple children.
We also talked about American serial killers and mass murderers such as those in the Columbine shooting and Ted Bundy himself. We had actually watched a video from the school video cameras of the columbine shooting, and I had never seen this video before and it gave me chills thinking about it. Now with Ted Bundy our lecturer really made me question on if his actions were genetic or if it was learned. The social learning theory comes into place here where it can seem as if him watching his grandfather beat and abuse his family could have conditioned him to think that was the normal behavior. Such as with the Bobo the doll experiment where the kids watched the adults be loving to the doll and that was how they reacted with it whereas when they watched the adult be mean to the doll they acted that way as well. Another idea was that his behavior is genetic. What I learned is that the psychopathic gene is actually inherited from the mom as it is located in the X chromosome. Where girls have two X's it takes the better chromosome in most cases. But with boys the X is longer and the Y is shorter so the X chromosome will sometimes over power that Y chromosome making the boy more psychopathic. Really just gave me a lot to think about in that aspect.
Once classes finished on Thursday some friends and I made our way to Central London both Friday and Saturday and just wandered around making a list of restaurants we want to try at some point while we are here. And on Sunday we were given a tour of Oxford, which all though the tour was kind of boring the city and the architecture was absolutely breathtaking.
The first day of class was more of an introduction into the course and what it will consist of as well as some of the basics that come with psychology. The second and third day were more consistent of what makes a psychopath a psychopath and the difference between a business psychopath and one that is pure evil. As well as killers in the medical field.
Going into more specifics there was an English nurse who may have seen like she would have been a psychopath but in reality had a mental disorder called Munchausen's syndrome. This caused her to pretend to be sick or injured and in some cases even inflict pain on herself as a way to get attention. As she grew older and began working in hospitals she would self diagnose her patients with problems they did not have and would began to take care of these problems with different kinds of chemicals, which in the long run killed multiple children.
We also talked about American serial killers and mass murderers such as those in the Columbine shooting and Ted Bundy himself. We had actually watched a video from the school video cameras of the columbine shooting, and I had never seen this video before and it gave me chills thinking about it. Now with Ted Bundy our lecturer really made me question on if his actions were genetic or if it was learned. The social learning theory comes into place here where it can seem as if him watching his grandfather beat and abuse his family could have conditioned him to think that was the normal behavior. Such as with the Bobo the doll experiment where the kids watched the adults be loving to the doll and that was how they reacted with it whereas when they watched the adult be mean to the doll they acted that way as well. Another idea was that his behavior is genetic. What I learned is that the psychopathic gene is actually inherited from the mom as it is located in the X chromosome. Where girls have two X's it takes the better chromosome in most cases. But with boys the X is longer and the Y is shorter so the X chromosome will sometimes over power that Y chromosome making the boy more psychopathic. Really just gave me a lot to think about in that aspect.
Once classes finished on Thursday some friends and I made our way to Central London both Friday and Saturday and just wandered around making a list of restaurants we want to try at some point while we are here. And on Sunday we were given a tour of Oxford, which all though the tour was kind of boring the city and the architecture was absolutely breathtaking.