Spiritual Enlightenment in Perú


The whole time I was in Perú I learned true about true spiritual growth. The people of Perú are very spiritual and I did not expect that. When I was preparing myself to go to Perú, I never expected to be so overwhelmed with love, care, and a drive for one’s own spirituality. I found it truly amazing with how much I received. I believe I received more than I gave. Even the children at the orphanage we worked at were so kind and helpful to us. I tried my best with my little bit of Spanish I knew and the children/ teenagers helped me improve on it and I helped with their English.
Getting to see such love from people that most people view as underprivileged, showed me they are not. Peruvians are the most brave, smart, and resourceful people I’ve met in my life so far. I truly respect their love for Pacchu Mama ( Mother of Earth) and the Apus (Fathers of the Mountains). With such a respect of all beliefs they showed me how to connect our beliefs.